NEV uses 5-Steps to frame the Eco-village's building process.  Each step is explained on our Wiki if you go to Building Standards - Building Approval Pathway.  The documents to be prepared by Lot Owners are also listed there.  To help Lot Owner's prepare the documents required for approval NEV have also created this Useful Reports and Templates.  The Documents in this space are grouped under each approval step so that you can use them progressively as you step through your approvals.   


Neighbourhood Agreement Template

  • Note the neighbourhood agreement process was changed in 2018 to require consent from all neighbours to each house design when submitted. This new template reflects this change in approach. Please complete and sign this agreement when you submit your design for review.
Neighbourhood agreement template

Stage 1 Key Plan showing neighbourhoods.

There are now no combined neighbourhood agreements as this has been replaced with consent to each design from all neighbours in that neighbourhood.

NEV Statement of Environmental Effect Template

Warning - this is only a template - it will require major revision to reflect your own house design

Pells Consulting Geotechnical Report

Bushfire BAL ratingsTravers & Norton diagram showing BAL ratings on each stage 1 lot
Example Drawing Set

Mohr House

Example BASIX Report

Mohr House

Example Interim NatHERS Assessment

Mohr House - Interim Report

Mohr House - Interim Software Report

NatHERS talk by Graham Hunt

NEV Buildling Specification Examples

Graham Hunt

Donna Carey

Waste Management Plan Template

Graham Hunt's

Donna Carey's

NEV Design Assessment Scoresheet
NEV Design Scoresheet -Supporting Questionaire

NEV Design Scoresheet- Supporting questionnaire version 2 June 2020

NEV internal floor space definition

This definition is useful for the scoresheet and to ensure Hill Thallis complaince

NEV Internal Floor space definition

Hill Thalis Design Compliance Report

Hill Thalis Design Compliance Report - version 200602

Checklist of actions for owner to complete

after DA approval before construction can


NEV Builders & Contractors guidelines

Provides a comprehensive set of guidelines on what NEV requires from builders

NEV Builders & Contractors guidelines
NEV Water - Water and Sewer specificationsNW Water & Sewer specifications 200312
NEV Sewer connections

As executed drawings by Robson's showing sewer connection points

NEV Potable and Recycled water connectionsNEV Water Connections - Stage 1
NEV Power Wiring recommendationsNEV Power wiring recommendations Dec 2019
NBN Location ID's for each block

This will be required when you order your NBN connection.

LV Power connections Stage 1
Stormwater management guidelines

Guidelines and requirements for managing stormwater on your block

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