The NEV Building Performance Scorecard is a spreadsheet that contains a set of questions used by the Building Review Panel to assess if homes designed for the Ecovillage achieve the performance requirements set out in the Ecovillage’s Building Standards.

NEV will accredit professionals who are be able to complete the Scorecard, and will keep a list of locally qualified   BASIX and NatHERS persons. In some cases, the one professional may be able to complete the house plans and specification and rate the house using NatHERS, BASIX and the Scorecard. 

The scorecard can be completed by either a Professional accredited by NEV to carry out the assessment and engaged by the home-owner, or by an ecovillage member who wishes to design their own home.

An Ecovillage member can try out the Scorecard. It asks questions about the final plans and specifications that are required to be submitted when you have completed your home design. Then it calculates scores which are added up to show a total. The Building Standards Working Group will continue to provide education in the use of the scorecard to members

The scorecard requires BASIX scores to be inserted as well as a NatHERS star rating obtained from a NatHERS qualified person. BASIX is the minimum NSW requirement for the design of homes.  NEV requires that the AccuRate Star Rating option within BASIX is chosen, and that a minimum of 7 stars is obtained. NatHERS is the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme in Australia.

Useful definitions used by BASIX can be found at

Link the Building Performance Scorecard

